Computer Animation, Internet, 2004
serbian (english below)
Rad se nadovezuje i naslanja na radove koje sam radila prethodnih godina ili cija je izrada u toku.
U pitanju je ambijentalna instalacija, sa elementima kompjuterskih igrica (koja se igra “uzivo”) i predvidjeno je da postoji ne samo kao samostalan rad, vec i kao predlozak za sledecu fazu. Ta druga faza predstavlja umetnicku kompjutersku video igricu (koja moze da se igra interaktivno na televiziji, internetu ili na kompjuteru, znaci sa CD-a) i video rad- spot koji bi se prikazivao na televiziji, na internetu…
Prostorna instalacija je smestena u kutiju sirine 4m, visine 3m i dubine 5m. Prednja strana kutije je otvorena i kroz taj otvor se rad posmatra ili se u njega ulazi. Pod, plafon, levi i desni zid su oblozeni cupavom tkaninom (kao trava) obojenom sjajnom zlatnom bojom.
Na frontalnom zidu se nalazi video bim. Unutar kutije se nalazi nekoliko internih kamera postavljenih na zgodnim mestima koje snimaju situaciju unutar kutije. Takodje, na pogodnim mestima, unutar kutije, postavljeni su i reflektori koji su programirani tako da se u razlicito vreme ukljucuju i iskljucuju i osvetljavaju zlataste povrsine proizvodeci razlicite zlataste i sjajne svetlosne efekte. Povrsina plafona je diskretno perforirana, u plafonskoj konstrukciji je sproveden sistem tzv. “obrnutog vodoskoka”, t.j. sproveden je sistem cevi ispunjenih crvenom bojom koji je kompjuterski programiran tako da sa plafona povremeno i na razlicitim mestima kaplje crvena boja i pada na pod. Ispred ove kutije monumentalnih dimenzija, sa leve i desne strane postavljeni su po jedan elegantni beli stocic ravnih i neupadljivih linija. Na njima se nalaze uredno slozeni i opeglani (tako da se vide ostre ivice), beli cisti carsavi. Ukoliko posmatrac odluci da udje u kutiju i proseta, preporucljivo je da uzme beli carsav i pokrije se po glavi, kako bi se zastitio od crvene boje koja kaplje sa plafona. Carsavom moze da obrise i cipele. Po izlasku iz kutije, posmatrac, t.j. ucesnik, ostavlja carsave u providne (elegantne, jednostavnih linija) kutije koje se nalaze pored elegantnih stocica. Kretanje ljudi u kutiji beleze kamere. Ono sto kamere snimaju, istovremeno se i emituje na frontalnom zidu sa video bimom i osoba u kutiji istovremeno moze i da se gleda, a nju mogu da gledaju osobe ispred kutije. Ukoliko niko nije u kutiji, na video bimu se emituju kompjuterska animacija kutije sa zlatnim zidovima, snimci prethodnih posetilaca. U kutiji (ili izvan nje), na adekvatnom mestu, smestena je i tehnika za emitovanje video materijala.
Ova kutija moze biti smestena u izlagackom prostoru, ali moze biti smestena i u neki poseban pogodan prostor koji vec sam po sebi lici na kutiju. U tom slucaju se ne bi kutija izradjivala posebno, vec bi se samo oblagale povrsine i sprovodile potrebne montazno-demontazne instalacije i tehnika.
This project is installation-ambience, combined with elements from computer games (in this case computer game is real, played in real time and space, by real people). The project is monumental, but it is not final, this is only the first part of more complex project, interactive art computer game that can be played on TV, Internet or computer. The project also consist of art video and video clip that is going to be presented on TV, internet…The first part of the project, installation-ambience, combined with elements from the real computer game, will be presented on exhibition.
· The work is in the box, which size is: width 4m, high 3m, and depth 5m. Something like room or stage.
· The outside front of the box is open and the work can be observed from this side. Visitor can enter the box from this side.
· The ceiling, floor, left and right side of the box is covered with hairy material (like grass), painted in shiny and reflective gold paint.
· There is a video bim placed on inside frontal wall of the box (the wall opposite from the opened front side of the box). The size of video bim is 4m/ 3m.
· There are several cameras placed at adequate spots inside the box covering and recording each part of the box.
· There is a special designed and programmed artificial light (stage reflectors). The variations and modifications of the reflectors’ light turning on and off produces variable light reflection, shiny and golden special effects.
· There is discreet perforation on the ceiling and special tubular system of some kind of “inverse waterfall” is installed inside the ceiling construction. The system is digitally programmed to make the liquid red paint circulate through the system, and from time to time, making small drops of the red paint to drop on the floor through the ceiling perforation.
· There are two elegant, flat white small tables in front of the box, one on the left side, and another on the right side. There is a shipshape pile of white tidily flat-ironed tablecloths on each table. If the visitor decides to enter into the box and take a walk, it is recommended to take tablecloth for protection from the red paint drops or for cleaning the shoes after leaving the box. After visitor gets out the box, tablecloths are left at the elegant, transparent, flat, small junk boxes.
· Cameras record people in the box so both people in and in front of the box can see these scenes simultaneously on video bim (placed on the inside front wall of the box). Computer animation of the shining golden box or video coverage of the previous visits is presented on video bim if there are no visitors in the box at the particular moment. Adequate technical equipment is installed inside or outside the box.
· The monumental box can be installed at the exhibiting place or at another special place (room) apart the exhibiting place. In that case, there may not be necessary to build the total construction of the box, but only to cover the walls, floor and ceiling surfaces and install necessary installation and technique.
to see new version of this work, click here
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