
E75, Interactive Art Installation, Computer Animation, Digital Prints, Internet







Serbian (English  below)


U prvoj deceniji svog profesionalnog likovnog stvaralastva umetnica Aleksandra Smiljkovic – Vasovic prosla je put od slike kao klasicnog likovnog medija, do slozenijih vidova umetnicke kreacije u oblasti vizuelnih umetnosti. U tom paralelnom procesu ona nije zapostavljala sliku kao primarni vid likovnosti u kojoj je jasno definisala svoj plasticko-poetski stav, da bi kroz druge, sveprisutnije medije i njihovom kombinacijom prosirila vizuelno i tehnoloski polje svog delovanja.

Konceptualnim osmisljavanjem ona ce kombinovati kompjuterske printove i predmetne instalacije u ambijentalnim celinama, ukljucujuci polako i trecu dimenziju, kao i pokret, kroz kompjutersku animaciju…
U galeriji SULUJ Aleksandra Smiljkovic – Vasovic ce prezentovati rezultate ovogodisnjih kreativno – likovnih istrazivanja u virtuelnom, neogranicenom prostoru programskih mogucnosti “Fractal Design Painter “- a ili “3D Studio Max” – a do materijalizacije tog izmisljenog crno – belog sveta kroz kompjutersku grafiku.

Lako kompatibilne, pravougaone grafike srednjih dimenzija dopunjava veoma duga grafika – friz sa izrazitim linearnim akcentom koji opet upucuje na treci segment rada, adekvatnu animaciju koja se ne nalazi u prostoru galerije, vec na odredjenoj internet adresi.

Ceo umetnicki projekat je odraz one racionalne i analiticke prirode umetnickog bica Aleksandre Smiljkovic – Vasovic, naravno, u izrazajnom domenu likovne umetnosti. Jasna prostorno – konstruktivna dimenzija u ovim radovima rezultat je zelje za sagledavanjem imaginarnog – virtuelnog prostora u kome je uocljiv pravilan redosled ponavljanja i smenjivanja geometrijskih oblika i slika. Pravilan i jasan ritam smenjivanja kubusa i kvadrata, posmatranih iz razlicitih uglova, proizvode dinamiku i utisak pravilnog mehanickog kretanja.
Dakle, fenomen kretanja potenciran je i jakom senzacijom pune bele i isprekidane linije koja inace ima jasnu vizuelnu poruku saobracajnog znaka. Trecim segmentom kroz zivu animaciju – pokret, kretanje se jos jednom istice kao bazicna i elementarna istina.

Sazimajuci utiske vidjenog, ne mozemo se oteti utisku da se radi o umetnici kojoj ne lezi patetika vec imaginativno – racionalni pristupu u umetnickon izrazavanju. Sire, poetski, izlozbu mozemo prihvatiti kao osobenu Aleksandrinu zudnju za slobodom kroz licno putovanje bezgranicnim prostranstvima sopstvenog unutrasnjeg – dakle virtuelnog sveta koji svakom pojedincu daje osecaj dosezanja inace nedostupne slobode. Hladna monohromija i strogost mehanickog poretka datih geometrijskih formi upucuje na izvesno bespuce savremene ljudske jedinke kojoj civilizacijske tekovine i tehnoloske blagodeti definitivno, sa druge strane, uzimaju danak u bogatstvu emocija…
O svemu tome, izmedju ostalog, glasno razmislja i pita se i ovom izlozbom Aleksandra Smiljkovic – Vasovic.

U Beogradu, oktobra 2001. 
Ivona Rajacic – Barandovski, istoricar umetnosti



In the first decade of her professional engagement in fine arts, the artist Aleksandra Smiljkovic – Vasovic has passed all the way from painting as a classical artistic medium to the more complex aspects of artistic creation in the field of visual arts. In the parallel process, she has not ignored the painting as a primary aspect of fine arts in which she clearly defined her plastic and poetic point of view, in order to enlarge visually and technically the field of her action through the other more present mediums and their combination.

By the conceptional justifying she will combine computer prints and art installations in ambiental complexes, even slowly introducing the third dimension as well as the movement through the computer animation…
In the SULUJ gallery Aleksandra Smiljkovic – Vasovic will present the results of her last year’s creative and artistic research in the virtual and unlimited field of program possibilities of ” Macromedia FreeHand”, “Adobe Photoshop”, “Fractal Design Painter” or “3D Studio MAX” to the very materialization of her imagined black and white world through the computer graphics.

The easy compatible, rectangular graphics of medium sizes are completed by a very long graphic frieze with a stressed linear accent which is leading to the third segment of work, the adequate animation that is not in the space of the gallery, but at a precise internet address.

The whole artistic project is a reflection of the rational and analytical nature of the artistic being of Aleksandra Smiljkovic – Vasovic, but of course in the expressing domain of fine arts. The obvious space-constructive dimension in these works is a result of the desire to overlook the imaginary-virtual space in which the regular sequence of repeating and interchanging geometric shapes and pictures is visible. The regular and sharp rhythm of interchanging the cubes and squares, observed from different angles, produces the dynamics and the impression of regular mechanical movement.

So, the phenomenon of moving is stressed even by a strong sensation of the full white line and the broken white line that otherwise has a clear visual message of a traffic sign. By the third segment through the vivid animation movement, the moving is being stressed once again as the basic elementary truth.
Sublimating the impressions of what we see, we cannot get over the impression that we are dealing with an artist who does not like the pathetic, but an imaginary-rational approach to artistic expression.

Looking broadly, poetically, we can take the exhibition as a specific Alexandra’s longing for freedom through the personal traveling through the unlimited space of the internal self-that is, through the virtual world which gives to each individual the filing of getting the freedom otherwise inaccessible. The cold monochromy and the strictness of the mechanical order of the given geometrical forms are forwarding to a certain “roadless area” of the contemporary human to whom the civilization heritage and technological benefits definitely, from the other side, take the tribute in the richness of emotions…

About all that, inter alia, Aleksandra Smiljkovic – Vasovic is thinking loudly and asking herself also by this exhibition.

In Belgrade, October 2001.
Ivona Rajacic – Barandovski, historian of arts

Translation Dorotea Pantelic


this work took part at

SALON DE ARTE DIGITAL, Havana, Cuba, 2004, 2006

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